Thursday, November 12, 2009


check in process

1) Greet all the guests with a pleasant smile and maintain eye contact as soon as they approach the Front Desk.
“Welcome to Hotel Marine Plaza, Mr. Sharma”
“Welcome Back Mr. Sharma” It is nice to see you once again! (For repeat guests)

2) Ask open ended questions like
“How was your journey today Mr. Sharma? “
“How are you doing today Mr. Sharma? “

3) Address the guest by his / her last name once you are aware of the name.

4) Locate the reservation for the guest. You can locate the reservation by
• Name of the guest.
• Name of the company of the guest. Address & Tel. Number.
• Reservation number.

5) Print the registration card with the guest details.

6) Check for and deliver any pre-arrival mail or message.

7) Present the registration card and a pen to the guest in leather folder for verification & signature.

8) Verbally reconfirm the room type, room rate and special requests,
“Mr. Sharma we have you reserved for a room with king size bed in deluxe category at this rate (point the guest’s attention to the rate printed on the reg. card). And we have you staying with us for 2 nights, checking out on Thursday 2nd April, is this information correct sir?”
“Could you initial this please?

9) Verify the address.
“Mr. Sharma, at the time of reservation we were provided this (point guest’s attention towards address) as your address is this correct sir?” If the address is not the guest’s address, ask for correct address for any future correspondence.
“Mr. Sharma may I have your correct address for future correspondence (point the guest’s attention to the space for address) or even your visiting / business card would do the job.”

10) Check for number of occupants in the room, including the number of children..

11) Confirm the guest about his/ her arrival place and next destination.

12) Ask his/her date of birth for Guest History.

13) Ensure that every foreign national has duly completed the Form C details. Offer assistance in filling the ‘C’ form, if not filled while pre-registering (from Guests history)
Mr. Walker, are you holding an Indian passport?
“No I am not “
“It is required by the law that I request you to give me some more details about stay in India and your passport details. May I have a look at your passport please?”
“What is your expected length of stay in India? “
“Mr. Walker do you hold a certification of registration?” (If yes) may I have a look at it please (note down number of certificate, Date of issue and the place of issue), “. “Thank you very much “.

14) Establish credit with the guest.

“How would you like to take care of your charges Mr. Sharma?”
Could I have your card please? ” (Billing is by credit card)
Mr. Sharma as you would be staying for two nights with us could I have an advance of Rs. 30,000/- against your account. This would cover two night room charges and other incidentals, which you might incur. (In case of cash payment)
Thank you very much. Here’s your card/cash receipt Mr. Sharma “
Mr. Sharma, we have received billing instructions from your company which states that the room bills will be taken care by the company, while the extras has to be collected directly. How would you be settling your extras?”(Bill to the company)

15) Assign proper room.

16) Ensure that the guest signs the reg. card.

17) Issue a key or keys. Do not disclose the room number and the room rate in front of any other guest.

18) Hand over the keys to your colleague for the guest to be escorted and complete the check-in process.
”Mr. Sharma, Sneha my colleague, will escort you to your room”. “Enjoy your stay with us Mr. Sharma. Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you”.

19) Ensure, the entire registration process should take less than 2 ½ minutes

20) Inform the Room service and Housekeeping about the guest arrival, name of the guest, number of occupants & room number to arrange for further services such welcome drink among others.

21) Initial the guest registration card, note down the room assigned.

22) Get the registration card checked and signed by the Duty Manager.

23) Compile all the relevant paperwork, for the check-in and method of payment information and file it appropriately in respective files.