Friday, February 5, 2010


Grooming Standards

Grooming Standards for Ladies


 Hair should be neat, well styled and should appear professional
 Short/ shoulder length hair should be trimmed regularly.
 Shoulder length hair should be neatly pinned to keep away from face.
 Hair longer then shoulder length should be cut to even length, straight and tied up to the center of the nape.
 The bun must be secured at the back of the head or slightly above the nape wit the black net.
 Hair should be neatly combed in place.
 Do not use color/plastic bands.
 Hair should be clean, non-greasy and free of oil and dandruff.
 Ponytails, braids etc. should not exceed 9” in length.
 Streaking of hair and using gel is not permitted.
 Permed and curly hair should be kept and restrained.

Finger nails

 Neatly cut, shaped and clean.
 Excessively long nails are not permitted.
 Use only light and neutral colour of nail polish.
 Nail polish should cover entire nail with no gaps or cracks.

Jewellery on Hands

 Only one ring on each hand
 Rings should be sober, conservative and not too large.
 Watches should be conservative and not flashy or too large.
 Leather strap should be either brown, black or tan.

Grooming Standards for Men


 Hair should not fall on forehead, touch touch the ears or the collars.
 Neatly combed and non-greasy.
 Only conservative hair style is permitted.
 Moustaches neatly trimmed.
 Should not cover upper lip.
 Face clean shaved.
 Side burns not shorter than the top of the ear and no longer than the bottom of the ear lobe.
 Beards only permitted only as a part of religious sentiments


 Clean and dirt free.
 No nicotine, carbon or ink stains on the fingers.


 Only one single ring on any one hand.
 No bracelets or bands (except for religious reasons).
 Watches should be conservative and not too flashy.
 Leather strap must be either black, brown or tan.
 Metallic strap should be gold or silver.


 Well maintain, well polished and in good repair.
 Wear uniform shoes.
 Wear oxford, loafer not permitted.
 Either black or dark brown.
 Socks to match the colour of the shoes.
 No pattern.
 Odourless and clean.
 Elastic intact.


 Immaculate, spotless, well ironed, with out unnecessary creases.
 All garments should appear fresh and not faded.
 Uniform must be of the perfect fit to the individual.
 No loose thread or broken buttons.
 Cuffs and collars must be stain free and clean.
 Belts should be plain black or brown.
 Not cracked or dull.
 Simple non flashy buckle.
 Belt not more than 1.5” wide.
 Always wear a vest.
 Nametags to be shining and visible.
 Pen, keys and pagers should not be visible