Sunday, November 15, 2009


• Every guest arriving would have a personal choice of newspaper. This has to be verified at the time of check-in by the FOA handling the arrival.

• Personal choice of the guest will go into the Guest history immediately.

• A summary sheet to be made on the types of newspaper required for the next day.
Provision for some extra copies to be made.

• Summary sheet would include
-Guest requirement (variable)
-Hotel requirement (fixed)
-Food & Beverage department requirement (fixed)

• Every newspaper should go in a newspaper bag

• Make an appropriate entry in the Bell Services Control Sheet before commencing the delivery.

• It should be ensured that the morning delivery is made before 6.30 a.m.

• On the completion of the job complete the entry made in the Bell Services Control Sheet.

• Leftover copies to be sent to the housekeeping the following day.

Please Note. The evening shift is responsible to ensure that there are ample amount of newspaper bags available for distribution in the morning.